Hot Noise is a womxn-led experimental animation studio based in Portland, Oregon.

Last summer, we collected raw audio from the general public in the form of a hotline and voicemail box. Meanwhile, we taught ourselves how to animate and worked together on a few films. Many of our films use collected voicemails as the soundtrack. Themes include routine, love, sex, food, work, and play. 

We come from a diverse range of backgrounds. Our group includes visual artists, writers, designers, educators, chefs and textile artists. We are mostly self-taught.

Check out our FILMS from our first round, 2022-2023.

Follow us on instagram ︎︎︎@hhotnoisee

Hot Noise Starter Team - Summer ‘22

in the animation studio - Summer ‘22



Do you make your bed? why/not?

Can physical activities be spiritual?

Describe a time where you were able to change yourself.

Describe in detail something that you cannot see, but you know exists.

Could you share your morning routine in detail?

What are the requirements for something to be a worthy interruption from your daily routine?

Describe a time you were lost–physically, metaphorically, both?

Name something, anything that scares you - what measures do you take to avoid it?

What is the first song you remember hearing the words to?

What makes something moving?

What is an image which tears into your mind when you imagine the end of the world?

How has your routine changed since the pandemic? What have you kept and done away with?

How do you get a straight answer?

What does it mean to age gracefully?

Describe how your body feels when you are in an altered state?

Are you still yourself when you are inebbriated?

What is your favorite thing that your hands can do? What do you wish they could do but can’t?

What was your sexual awakening like?

Do you enjoy watching porn? why / why not?

What does falling in love feel like?

What feelings arrive at the memory of a romance past?

What do you eat when you’re alone? What do you feed your friends to impress them?

What is a food from your childhood that still brings you the feeling of innocence?

Have you ever had sex without having sex?

What’s it like when you eat without utensils?

What music is food music?

What’s the worst thing you ever cooked?

Do you prefer to work with recipes or find your way through cooking a meal? Why?

Are the HIGHS worth the LOWS?

What was it like to be misled by Mapquest?

How does your body feel right now? Have you discovered anything new recently

You see the same object every day -- how has it changed?

Tell us about a breakup you are still not over, and might never be.

What do you want to say to your boss?

What does it feel like to not have enough?

Tell us the story of your debt (or lack of debt).

Describe a time when you felt gender fluid.

How has your view of sex changed over time?

Does vanity ever get in the way of things?

Is your ego causing problems?